Certain ladies and gentlemen of my acquaintance are always trying to top each other with funny stories. It's sort of a community-wide sport. You walk into the other guy's business, he's supposed to try to make you laugh or you're supposed to try to make him laugh. (Well, within reason, of course. One doesn't jest all the time. One just doesn't.) Some places, co-workers are always scrambling to find some story that no one else under that roof has heard yet. Mostly it's a guy thing, but they let us gals get a word in edgewise now and then. In any case, we take everyday humor seriously around here, you have to understand.
For this particular game I'm definitely more of a spectator than a participant. But to keep my end up I keep a sharp eye out for good material for the talkers. Here's some free laughter ammo for any of the crew who finds himself in need of a fresh supply. (Use title link.)
Hat tip: HomeschoolMom Tips
The Adventure of Living by Paul Tournier
Once upon a time when I was in high school, back in the dark ages, I had a
friend and mentor who was a big fan of the work of Swiss physician and
2 hours ago
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