Friday, May 27, 2005

Against a dictatorship of relativism: The annual American Psychiatric Association conference . . .

Dev Thakur, a medical student, reports on his blog that the annual American Psychiatric Association conference:

. . . was a blast. Among the various topics, there was a serious discussion of psychiatry, spirituality, religion and worldview that I was privileged to take part in. This is an issue that, traditionally, psychiatry has neglected, but many are now emphasizing the importance of the patient's worldview to understanding and treatment.

This discussion took place largely through a comparison of Sigmund Freud, Oskar Pfister and C. S. Lewis. An overview, which I hope will be an interesting and valuable study of the current place of religion and spirituality in mental health, will be coming soon.
His follow-up post is The conflicting worldviews of Sigmund Freud and Oskar Pfister

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