Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Mitch Albom: What a miracle life is

A great story from Mitch Albom, about a couple he knows and their seriously ill newborn, whom they named Faith. As he says:

The world that swirled around this tiny child was many miles from me, and yet it pulled me in. I awaited every new photo. Every little update. I found that each new battle this infant soldier was waging made my problems seem pathetic.

A few days ago, I asked Brian and Kathy if I could write about their courageous daughter. They said yes, on one condition: "that you agree to play piano at her wedding."

As this column was filed, little Faith was undergoing surgery, a special procedure to place a small reservoir under her scalp to help drain the fluid from her brain. I can only pray it turned out well.

But I already know this: In her first 10 days on Earth, this wordless child has put more sentences in my head than all those indulgent, self-pitying voices. She has made me think and cry and put the ridiculous problems I must deal with in perspective.

Read the article. This little girl's family is awesome.

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