Saturday, May 21, 2005

Doug Giles: Lather. Rinse. Repeat

From a March 27, 2004, column by Doug Giles:

The thing that confronts us, the subject about which I get several hundred e-mails every week is: “What can the young, God and country loving American do, to help turn this nation around before it slams solidly into a brick wall.”

My advice is to go back to a time in history when things sucked worse than a vacuum cleaner powered by a GE jet engine, look to see who/what remedied that particularly dilapidated situation and repeat their principles of change.
He goes on to give some advice, which he sums up (with explanations), as get a life, look good, get smart, understand world views, and serve somebody. It's worth a read, especially in this era of bad commencement speeches...

He notes that these ideas are more fully fleshed out in his book, Ruling in Babylon.

Ruling in Babylon
Ruling in Babylon

He also recommends Understanding the Times, by David Noebel (which is available in several editions, by the way).

Understanding the Times: The Religious World Views of Our Day and the Search for Truth
Understanding the Times: The Religious World Views of Our Day and the Search for Truth

As a columnist Doug Giles gets on my nerves sometimes (a lot, actually), but, hey, he hangs around with young people and is trying to get them to be stronger and smarter and more grounded. Good for him. And he goes toe to toe with the ugliest cultural mucktossers out there. Good for him.

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