Sunday, May 08, 2005

The future of bugging hangs by a thread of light

There's nothing like a strange lead to grab a person's attention. From an April 28, 2005, University of Melbourne (Australia) media release:

New technology that will make it impossible to eavesdrop on communications or steal information has been developed by University of Melbourne researchers — and it all depends on growing diamonds in a microwave oven.

The new technology could represent a boom for financial institutions, security agencies, governments and individuals who need to communicate sensitive information with total security, says Dr James Rabeau from the University’s School of Physics...
The bottom line seems to be that researchers are trying to come up with a way of sending information via a stream of single photons. For more, use title link.


Bookworm said...

I wish I could grow diamonds in my microwave oven! All I seem to grow in there are the inevitable crumbs that result from reheating things.

Kathryn Judson said...

I know the feeling. I really appreciate my microwave (I'm just old enough to remember what it was like to not have recourse to one), but I'd swear it grows splatters between uses.