Tuesday, April 05, 2005

George Weigel: Mourning and Remembrance

George Weigel, via the April 4, 2005, www.OpinionJournal.com, offers an insightful look at Pope John Paul II and at history:
...So there are many ways of remembering and mourning him. Pope John Paul II should also be remembered, however, as a man with a penetrating insight into the currents that flow beneath the surface of history, currents that in fact create history, often in surprising ways...

Mr. Weigel is a senior fellow and director of the Catholic Studies program at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He is author of "Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II," (HarperCollins, 1999) and "The Cube and the Cathedral: Europe, America, and Politics Without God," just out from Basic Books.
This article is one of the best I've read on John Paul II. File under: culture, religion, human nature, morality, history, human dignity.

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