About the book:
For starters, two sisters are making a dream come true for their third sister, a young woman, who died on United Flight 93 on September 11. Her dream was to publish a book. Vaughn Lohec and Dara Near finished the book their sister, Lauren Catuzzi Grandcolas, started but never had the chance to complete...

You Can Do It: The Merit Badge Handbook for Grown Up Girls
For more on the book and the story behind it, or about the new magazine, Realiteen, use the title link.
1 comment:
I knew Lauren, and she was a real can-do kind of person, so I was delighted to see that the book is taking off and to read Blyth's column. Lauren was one of the best organized, most energetic, well-focused people I've ever met, and if her book can succeed in passing some of those skills along, well, all I can say is that it's a wonderful legacy.
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