This Nepalese blog reprints the text of a letter to His Majesty King Gyanendra from eleven members of the U.S. Congress. They also print a picture of the signatures attached to the letter (I guess to say, 'Hah, here's proof we're not making this up.')
The names listed are James T. Walsh, Frank Wolf, Tom Allen, Mark Steven Kirk, Edolphus Towns, Christopher Smith, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Bob Filner, Carolyn Kilpatrick, and Barney Frank.
I would have to say that many of the comments attached to the post are heated, to say the least. But varied. There are several points of view, certainly. (Use title link.)
I've been trying to find the date this letter was written, plus I wanted to attach a press release or follow-up or something from one or more of the above-named Congressmen. So far, I haven't found anything on Nepal, period, on any of the official websites I've visited, but it's early days yet. (Tom Allen, Edolphus Towns, James T. Walsh down, eight to go...)
I'm not saying I've searched in every corner of these websites, but you'd think there would have been something in the press releases or recent news sections or something that would pop up when you put "nepal" into a search box. But, as I said, I've only checked the three websites so far...
The Adventure of Living by Paul Tournier
Once upon a time when I was in high school, back in the dark ages, I had a
friend and mentor who was a big fan of the work of Swiss physician and
2 hours ago
Thanks for mentioning us in your blog. The letter was handed over by the group let by Walsh to Nepali ambassador in Washington DC a few days before we published the letter on United We Blog!.
This blog ( will explain it more to your readers.
I got your e-mail this morning, May 6, 2005, and I've put up a follow-up post today with the link you provided in your message. I hope this helps.
Thanks for writing. I wish you success in your efforts to restore freedom in your country.
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