Friday, February 03, 2006

The Bird's Nest: Women Sue Wal-Mart Over Contraception

That so many people seem to think that stores are somehow supposed to be run entirely by mindless, value-devoid pawns instead of self-determining human beings who answer to their own conscience is one of my pet peeves. Honestly, just because someone puts out an open sign does not mean that he's volunteered for social engineering duty. Really. If you don't like a store's policy, for crying out loud go open your own store and run it how you think it ought to be run, and may you both prosper, after your own fashion, with your own customers, in proportion to your merits. And stop suing people for having their own minds and hearts and hopes and dreams and---

*Deep breath*

*Unclench jaw*

*End of rant* (For now, at least.)

As you might have guessed, this is one of the things that gets under my skin. So I am delighted to find someone who maintains a better outlook than I sometimes slide into on this issue.

From Sharon at the bird's nest, in a post on those women who are suing Wal-Mart in Massachusetts:

Then this comes along. Is it not just another attack on Wal-Mart? Ok, these women were inconvenienced because a baby-killer prescription is not offered at their store. It states right there in the article- "CVS, the state's largest pharmacy chain, stocks the pill at all of its drugstores." Could they not have just gone to CVS?

Yes, they could have. Instead, they have to draw attention to another store for not being liberal enough. It's getting a bit ridiculous.

What she said.

It's getting a bit ridiculous.

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