Sunday, December 11, 2005

Robert and Robert look at the carnage left in the wake of "peace movements"

Robert Tumminello of the Expat Yank blog recently suffered through a Sunday sermon in which the priest implied that if you took away guns, we could have worldwide nirvana. That was a bit too much for the historically-informed Robert, who couldn't resist asking (not during the sermon, thanks, but afterward, on his blog...) "I gather that no one ever was killed in conflict prior to the invention of gunpowder?" Seriously, though, he outlines some history to take into consideration, if you'd like some better background on the subject. See his post: If Only There Were No Guns.

As a companion piece (or by itself, for that matter), I would highly recommend reading Robert J. Avrech's post Murderous Peaceniks over at the Seraphic Secret blog. As a side benefit, you'll learn about some books and films, but the main thing is a sharp, open-eyed look at history and at the incredible cost innocent people have paid because of "peace movements". (Can you say genocide?)

The books Mr. Avrech mentions include:

Guns of August
Guns of August

A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II
A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II

Films include King Vidor's The Big Parade, 1925, which he says is one of the best films about World War I, and Paths of Glory by Stanley Kubrick.

1 comment:

Joan said...

Interesting. Thanks for sharing these links.