Margo Hammond and Ellen Heltzel write about C.S. Lewis and Narnia and the culture wars - and about how the movie ``The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,'' which opens this week, is stirring things up. The article has some good background and interesting opinion.
Hammond and Heltzel are otherwise known as The Book Babes.
The O’Donnells by Peggy Sullivan
I knew this book reminded me of the beloved All-of-a-Kind Family series by
Sydney Taylor when I first opened it up. And sure enough, this story does
for Ir...
4 days ago
This is a business email. My mom is looking for a book called "Letters from New York" by Helene Hanss (or Hanns). It might be in German, but I was given the title as if it's an English language publication. Would you have it in stock or know how to get it? If you do, email me, and I'll hook my mother up with you for a little bookselling stuff.
I wonder if you mean Letter from New York by Helene Hanff? E-mail is en route with particulars.
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