MSNBC - International Periscope: March 7 issue
Christopher Dickey and Robert Blair Kaiser write in the 'March 7' International Edition of Newsweek, currently on the internet at MSNBC News, that the pope is confrontational. (Imagine this - he took the rough draft of his latest book and added to it shortly before publication. He inserted topics these writers didn't want him to talk about. Doesn't he know how to leave well enough alone?)
...Yet this same pontiff who continues to assert his will in the daily life of the church has given his doctors no instructions about how to sustain his life, or not, should he slip into a persistent coma. Could anyone—would anyone—pull the plug? And under what circumstances?...
I'm not Catholic, but I have a sneaking suspicion that church doctrine pretty much covers this without a living will. Yes?
hat tip:
The Adventure of Living by Paul Tournier
Once upon a time when I was in high school, back in the dark ages, I had a
friend and mentor who was a big fan of the work of Swiss physician and
2 hours ago
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