A friend who read Roman Hasford by Douglas C. Jones proclaimed it one of the best books he’s read in a long time and also said that he was fairly sure it wouldn’t be my cup of tea. So I haven’t read it, but will recommend it.
Since it won the Spur Award for Best Historical Novel in 1987, I doubt I’m going out too far on a limb here.
It was originally released under the title Roman, and was issued the award under that name.
It has unaccountably gone out of print, but as of posting time there were 97 used copies at Alibris, 90 at bn.com, 64 at Amazon, and 40 at biblio.com. Of course, quite a few of those will be overlap, since many booksellers list at several sites simultaneously. (It’s the best way for little guys to survive, trust me on that. There is a Murphy’s Law that if you list at only one site, that site will be hacked or otherwise will lock up or get garbled, and you will be helpless and income-less for a while. I speak from experience. This is not to mention that if you have a smallish inventory you need all the exposure you can get...)
If you know of any other historical novels that you think are above average, please tout them in the comments section. I want this site to be a network for booklovers and history buffs.
The O’Donnells by Peggy Sullivan
I knew this book reminded me of the beloved All-of-a-Kind Family series by
Sydney Taylor when I first opened it up. And sure enough, this story does
for Ir...
4 days ago
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