I know it doesn't sound like something that can be said in polite company, but apparently to dob in a hoon is a good thing if you wish to help preserve honest citizens from mayhem and maiming.
From the Yorke Peninsula News:http://www.ypct.com.au/news/05/02/15/7.html
South Australia's crackdown on hoon drivers started on Monday, February 7, with new offences targeting drag racing, burnouts, donuts, wheelies and music blaring from car speakers. The laws also target those who organise such events....
Premier Mike Rann welcomes the changes, saying..."We want to send a strong message to hoons their actions won't be tolerated and the best way to hammer that message home is by impounding their prized wheels...
"Experience interstate shows losing their cars once substantially reduces the likelihood of them trying it again.
"Only 22 of almost 1,600 drivers caught in the first two years of Queensland's laws were picked up for a second offence. Only three people have notched up a third offence..."
Substantially reduces, did he say? Only 22 of more than 1500 drivers might, just possibly, qualify as a substantial reduction.
The O’Donnells by Peggy Sullivan
I knew this book reminded me of the beloved All-of-a-Kind Family series by
Sydney Taylor when I first opened it up. And sure enough, this story does
for Ir...
4 days ago
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