Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Alibris: Gulf Coast Libraries Wishlist for books, music and movies

Alibris is working with the Texas Library Association to restock libraries destroyed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
Help to reestablish hurricane-devastated libraries

Community institutions have been devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. At least 12 libraries in Louisiana and Mississippi were completely destroyed, along with the thousands of books in their collections. You can help to restock those shelves. As the United States rebuilds the Gulf Coast region, Alibris is proud to be working alongside the Texas Library Association (TLA). TLA has established a book donation program to accept contributions on behalf of affected libraries. Donated books will be stored until the affected libraries have found alternate facilities and are in a position to receive and process book deliveries. You can assist devastated libraries by purchasing books from this wishlist today. Your books will ship direct to TLA's donated storage facility in Austin, where they will wait until the affected libraries can put books on their shelves and open their doors. Donate a book today!

In the full disclosure department, my husband and I sell new and used books at several sites on the Internet, including Alibris, under the name of Uffda-shop.com. There's an outside chance I might profit a little bit from this donation drive. I hope you know that's not why I'm putting this information up.

For that matter, if I was in charge of making the wish list, I'd have made a different list, and left a few of these selections off. But it's not my library that got wiped out, and I'm not the one organizing the book drive. Forgive the icky selections and help with the healthy ones, eh?

1 comment:

Bookworm said...

Thanks for the full disclosure, but I don't think anyone knowing you through your blog would ever doubt the goodness of your motives in bringing this book drive to our attention. I'm especially glad to see it, since I'd spoken to some people at my kids' school about how nice it would be if the children did something to help bring childrens' books back to the affected regions in the Gulf Coast area. I was thinking more along the lines of the children donating their own books, so this isn't quite on point, but I like knowing that it's out there.