Friday, June 03, 2005

Tapscott's Copy Desk: The Washington Post Lets Air Out of Dems' Anti-Delay Jihad...

Credit where credit is due. From Mark Tapscott:

Jeffrey Birnbaum and Derek Willis have a great illustration on today's front page of The Washington Post of the importance of having an independent media willing to challenge the powers-that-be and those that hope-to-be-again.

Birnbaum and Willis dug into the campaign finance reports data and found boku bucks being directed by lobbyist and Tom Delay ally Jack Abramoff to the top echelons of the Democratic congressional leadership in the Senate and House.


Let it be noted by those who think the Post is so blinded by liberal bias that it is incapable of critical reporting on Democrats that the Birnbaum/Willis story today would not be possible without a major commitment of time and analytical effort in going through the campaign finance data.


Use the title link to read all of Tapscott's post. He has a link to the Washington Post article, or you may reach it here.

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