Wednesday, June 22, 2005

me autem minui: Bookbinding, redux

James Quinby has been reading up on bookbinding, and he shares links that have been useful to him.


jquinby said...

Thanks! I hope the links are useful. As it happens, none of my books are in dire need of repair (yet). I may attempt another blank notebook for our oldest daughter to use on her nature walks, though. The Coptic-stitch method seems to be ideally suited for such a thing: no adhesives necessary, construction is easy enough for a clod like me, and the spine allows the book to open completely flat without stress.

Kathryn Judson said...

Thank you for providing the information!

Mama Squirrel said...

Have you seen this blog?

Javamom has pictures up of her bookbinding projects.

Kathryn Judson said...

Dear Mama Squirrel,

No, I didn't know about that blog. Thanks for the tip! I'm glad to know that there are folks out there learning book restoration. The people who are good at that are few and far between, and I appreciate their work very much. Go Javamom!

jquinby said...

It was the booksncoffee blog that got me rolling. I assure you that bindery-envy is not a pretty thing to behold.