...As for the media, it shouldn't be too difficult to do better. Look for the countervailing data. Broaden your list of sources. Beware of exoticizing your subject: If you think that Israelis and Palestinians operate from no higher motive than revenge, you're on the wrong track. Above all, never forget the obvious: that the law of supply and demand operates in Japan, too; that the Soviet Union was a state governed by fear; that Iraqis aren't rooting for their killers; that, if given the chance, people will choose to be free.File this under: media myths, common sense, journalism, history, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s.
Simple maxims, but how much embarrassment would the media be spared if only they followed them.
Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine by Jay Williams and Raymond Abrashkin
The Danny Dunn books were a series of 15 science fiction adventure books,
published in the late 1950’s and into the 60’s, about Danny, who’s a
red-headed, ...
4 days ago
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