Thursday, March 24, 2005

William F. Buckley, Jr. - Online Archive - Hillsdale College

When completed, this Website will contain the complete writings of William F. Buckley, Jr. Transcripts from his longrunning TV show, Firing Line are now available at the Hoover Institution.
Right now the categories listed on the above-linked site are columns, articles, book reviews, books, speeches, Firing Line transcripts, obituaries, and other. The folks at Hillsdale seem to be going for the whole enchilada, as we say around here.

File under: author watch, conservatives, wit, language, politics, culture.

I happen to have at hand a copy of The Unmaking of a Mayor, by William F. Buckley, Jr, Bantam, c.1966, this edition published 1967, 387+ pages including index. From the long list of blurbs at the front of the book, there is this one from Time magazine (ellipsis in original):
A spoiler redeemed by a sense of humor about the political grotesqueries of New York - and, happily, about himself as well - Buckley merely set out to give his lumps to all comers... The charm of this book lies in Buckley's unfailing awareness of the absurdities of campaign rhetoric and rigmarole.

One guesses the reviewer was trying to out-Buckley Buckley?

Oh, well. If the publisher was happy with it, I'm happy with it.

I just did a market check, and taking all editions into consideration (Viking hardback, Conservative Book Club edition, paperbacks), today it is relatively easy to get your hands on a used copy of The Unmaking of a Mayor for five dollars or less.

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