Friday, February 08, 2008

Gearing up for the Oregon Sesquicentennial celebration

Oregon will be celebrating 150 years of statehood in 2009.

If you have an Oregon story to share, stories about "what it means to be an Oregonian" are being collected at Oregon 150: Official Website of the Oregon Sesquicentennial. According to the "open letter to all Oregonians" on the welcome page, you can "write them, sing them, sew them, photograph them, film them, or paint them." (This should be interesting.)

We will pause now to allow persons from the original thirteen colonies and certain foreign countries to catch their breath, after laughing at a big to-do about one whole century and a half of statehood. Hey, for this part of the world it's pretty good.

hat tip: Oregon Department of Fish and Game website

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