Way back when, somebody gave me a copy of
Confessions of a Reluctant Optimist by Phyllis McGinley as a gift, I think as a graduation present. I (ahem) seem to remember getting a lot of mileage out of that book, carrying it around and watching people react to the title...
I still think it's one of the best titles for a book, ever.
My thanks to Denny Hartford for
this wonderful post on the poet/author Phyllis McGinley, born March 22, 1905.

The Voice of the Poet: American Wits; Audio CD

American Wits: An Anthology of Light Verse
I treasure her poetry for children. We use some favorite pieces as part of our Christmas.
If and when time permits I may post a verse or two.
I'm a big fan of Sixpence in Her Shoe. I'll have to look into these others you mentioned. She was a wonderful writer!
johng, barb, I'm so glad to hear you know who she is. Denny Hartford was afraid she was becoming forgotten, and I didn't have any reason to doubt him.
I guess I'm going to have to get a copy of Sixpence in Her Shoe. I don't remember reading it.
Sixpence in her Shoe is a great "mom" book. Funny how some of the issues we thought were new were happening when she was writing.
My mom reread this book every summer--and I wound up with the used library copy she would check out each year. Got it when I replaced it with a signed (used) copy.
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