Friday, March 03, 2006

OpinionJournal - A Lady's Lament

I didn't start the day intending to have a movie theme in half my posts. But it seems to have come out that way.

I can't resist sharing the first part of A Lady's Lament: Where have all the Hollywood hunks gone? by Kimberly A. Stassel (OpinionJournal, March 3, 2006):

This year I plan to conduct my own Academy Awards. And in my newly created category of "Best Red-Blooded Male," I regret to say that I can offer up only one nominee: King Kong.

Where have all the tough guys gone? Really, it's enough to make you cry--that is, if all our leading men weren't already doing it for me. From its earliest days Hollywood has had a glorious tradition of punch-throwing, gun-toting, testosterone-oozing leading men, and the world has loved every one of them. James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, Steve McQueen, Sly Stallone, Mel Gibson, these were men. Some were strong and silent, some artisans of broken noses and busted rib cages, some villains, some heroes. But there was no doubt that they had a reason to walk with bowed legs.

And today? These marvelous males have given way to a new generation of Hollywood consumptives...


I'm with her.

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