Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Jonathan Witt's new book available for pre-order

In Wittingshire: Good Art versus Bad Art, Amanda Witt writes:

...This raises an important question: for the philosophical materialist--that is, for the person who believes that all reality boils down to atoms in the void--what justification beyond personal preference is there for holding up Shakespeare over schlock? Are our standards of what constitutes great art based merely on taste or fashion, or do we have permanent, transcendent reasons for recognizing genius?

Jonathan and his co-author, Benjamin Wiker, tackle this question in their new book, A Meaningful World.

That would be Jonathan Witt, her husband.

More on the book from the publisher here.

To go to Barnes & Noble, click the book cover.

Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature
Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature

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