Friday, September 02, 2005

Goodwill Industries International - NR-084105-HURRICANE-RELIEF

In the immediate aftermath of Katrina, Goodwill Industries has stepped back and is suggesting that people donate cash to relief organizations better positioned than Goodwill to get immediate aid to victims. But, I think the following is important also:
In addition, Goodwill Industries International is accepting online donations to help meet the immediate needs of Goodwill employees and program participants in the affected areas. After these needs are met, the funds will be used to help them resume their jobs, or find new ones, as well as to rebuild the employment and career programs provided by Goodwill agencies in the Gulf region.

“We want to help the employees and clients of the affected Goodwill agencies survive these devastating days, and provide them with the support they need to rebuild their lives,” says Kessinger [George W. Kessinger, President and CEO of Goodwill Industries International]. Donors can visit our web site to make a donation by credit card, or send a check to Goodwill Industries International, Inc.; c/o Hurricane Relief; 15810 Indianola Drive; Rockville, MD 20855.
Full news release

Goodwill has done great things by giving individuals a “hand-up, not a handout." I suspect this approach will be invaluable in the months to come, as storm survivors wonder how in the world to get back on their feet.

Update: Instapundit has a blogger's round-up of places to donate to hurricane relief efforts here. The Truth Laid Bear is letting people track their contributions here. (It's sort of a friendly competition for a good cause.) The main "TTLB" Hurricane Katrina: Blog For Relief Weekend page is here. Bloggers from around the world are pitching in to steer help where it can do some good.

Update: Technorati tag Hurricane+Katrina

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