The blogger at Seasonal Soundings recommends the book Walter, The Story of a Rat, by Barbara Wersba, which is advertised for ages 5 to 8, but this blogger says would be good "for ages 5 to 80."
In short, Walter the rat is born with the ability to read, which, of course, would make life interesting for anybody.
If the pull quotes at Seasonal Soundings are any guide, this is not a lightweight book, but one with history lessons and mind stretchers. I haven't seen it yet. Have you? What did you think? Is it, perhaps, a bit too much to write about assassinations in a book supposedly appropriate for five year olds? (See the pull quotes.) At what age should kids start learning about bad stuff like that?
hat tip: A Circle of Quiet
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Once upon a time when I was in high school, back in the dark ages, I had a
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