We have several friends who go to the Seventh-Day Adventist church. Most of them keep Sabbath to some degree, and we've long since learned to accommodate their different schedule and a few food restrictions - but I had no idea that some of them kept Sabbath as strictly as Orthodox Jews until we stumbled across this KosherLamp in an advertisement and my husband showed the ad to one of them in the spirit of "Hey, would you look at this - aren't people ingenious?"
Our friend said his family wasn't that observant, but that he knew people in this congregation who were, and who could really use something like this.
I hope this isn't being disrespectful, but even from a non-religious perspective I think it looks like a neat innovation. Put another way, this lamp looks like it might be fun. You can open and shut it to your heart's content, and it's designed to provide enough light to be useful, thanks. For that matter, there are times when it would be nice to be able to adjust the light level in a table lamp. (Use title link to see a demonstration.)
In any case, this is Friday and the light outside feels like it's starting to fade, and I thought of my friends who have been cleaning house today, getting everything ready for sundown. And of the fact that, according to our friend, some of them discreetly worry about light switches part of every week. If you haven't got the word yet, this lamp is said to meet all the requirements. I can't vouch for that. Ask your pastor, I guess.
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1 comment:
Reb Shmuel,
You're welcome. I'll let my Sabbath-observant friends know about the new website. I popped over to check it out before writing this, by the way, and I have been having a blast reading some of the news articles you've collected there. I love it when ingenuity is used for something GOOD. Plus, I'm amazed by what you and other people have come up with.
Thanks for stopping by.
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