Friday, April 29, 2005

OpinionJournal - Wonder Land: Rush to Victory

Columnist Daniel Henninger looks at what getting rid of the "Fairness Doctrine" unleashed:

In 1987, Rush Limbaugh sat down at a microphone at radio station KFBK-AM in Sacramento and began broadcasting something called "The Rush Limbaugh Show."

The rest is history...
And it's not just Rush, of course, not by a long shot. Once Ronald Reagan took the sledge hammer of the Fairness Doctrine out of the hands of politicians, a lot has changed.

The Fairness Doctrine was one of those things that sounds good on paper (in a nutshell, it required broadcasters to provide "contrasting viewpoints" in their programming). But in reality it got used by people in power to keep other people out of power. Use the title link for Henninger's explanation.

Hat tip: Bookworm Room

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