Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Expat Yank: For Fed-up Voters

The UK is suffering election run-up madness at the moment. Luckily, there are a few people who can translate political babble, among them Robert Tumminello of Expat Yank, who takes on the Greens in this post (use title link).

And lest you think he gives other parties a free pass, in a recent post he quite properly zeroed in on one addle-brained (one hopes he is addle-brained instead of crooked) Tory candidate who doctored a photo for his campaign material - a photo, mind you, that had run in its undoctored condition in a newspaper. (I keep hoping Tories will stop shooting their own feet, if even just for a little while. But, no...) See for that bit of nonsense.

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