Saturday, December 10, 2005

Tribune Blogs -- Dispatches: Matthew D LaPlante and books on Iraq

Matthew D LaPlante, a military and homeland security reporter for the Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah) recommends some books on Iraq, in response to a question prompted by this post, which mentions several ways the coverage of this war is different (including the new factor of blogs).

The November 28 post (the second link above), notes that:

Fellow Utahn Paul Holton was awarded earlier this month with Military Writers Society's Humanitarian Award for his book Saving Babylon about his work in obtaining toys and clothing for children in Iraq.

There's more on Saving Babylon: The Heart of an Army Interrogator in Iraq from Joe Katzman at Winds of Change and at Donald Sensing's One Hand Clapping. Or visit a website dedicated to the book, at Saving Babylon. Author Holton is also known as "Chief Wiggles", just in case you're trying to figure out why the name maybe sounds kind of familiar...

I'd give you a link to the book at Barnes & Noble, but I can't find it at Barnes & Noble right now. (Rats! And such a nice cover, too.) You can buy a copy directly from the Saving Babylon website. Sales of the book help fund Operation Give.

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